How long should my video be? is a big question people ask a lot of times and it really depends on what the goal of the video is. Yes, people have a short attention span. Take a look into your niche. Look at what other folks are doing in your marketplace. Go to YouTube […]
VIEW POST »Local businesses try online video with little success and don’t understand why. This post explains the most common online video failures guaranteed to sap video viewership. The first most common failure in video marketing is the video intro is too long and people are hitting the back button. The intro is there to let viewers […]
VIEW POST »Give somebody one thing to do and they’ll do it. Give them two things and they won’t do anything at all. Keep with one specific goal for your videos. What is your ideal outcome and what is your viewer’s ideal outcome? Answer these 2 questions and you will be able to pull your video all […]
VIEW POST »Below are 5 powerful local business video ideas that you can implement into your Internet marketing plans: How-To Videos If you are a local business, go and check out ExpertVillage on how-to videos. There’s a bazillion how-to videos on there. They have everything from how to walk your dog, to how to kiss a […]
VIEW POST »Anybody and everybody should use video. Everybody should be using video because they basically help you or your business or your website or your product or your service to be more visible and attract more potential customers. Over 3 billion videos get watched every day on YouTube and 70% of all Internet users watch videos. […]