
Category : Internet Marketing News

Using AI Lead Generation to Boost Your Online Marketing Strategy

March 6th, 2024 | Posted in: Internet Marketing News

In an era where the landscape of online marketing evolves with unyielding velocity, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as the quintessential pioneer in redefining lead generation strategies. AI lead generation embodies the integration of cutting-edge technologies to attract new customers, revolutionizing the marketing realm with personalized engagement and data-driven insights. By harnessing AI, businesses witness […]


The Ultimate Guide to Automated Lead Generation for Lawyers

June 27th, 2023 | Posted in: Internet Marketing News

‍ Image Source: FreeImages‍ In today’s competitive legal landscape, lawyers and law firms are constantly searching for efficient ways to generate leads and grow their businesses. One powerful strategy that can help them achieve this is automated lead generation. By leveraging technology and advanced marketing techniques, lawyers can streamline their lead generation process, attract more […]


TikTok for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started

June 7th, 2023 | Posted in: Internet Marketing News

Image Source: FreeImages As a small business owner, you’re always looking for ways to reach new customers and grow your brand. One of the hottest social media platforms right now is TikTok. With over 1 billion active users, TikTok provides an excellent opportunity for small businesses to connect with a younger demographic and showcase their […]


Google Penguin Update Leaves Some Websites Out In The Cold

April 30th, 2012 | Posted in: Google, Internet Marketing News, Local Business Marketing, Search Engine Optimization

Google’s latest algorithm update – dubbed the Google Penguin Update – has left a lot of business owners feeling a chill about their website rankings. The fact is, there are tons of website owners that will do just about anything to one-up the competition. They don’t care about right or wrong. They just want results. […]

google panda 3.4 update

Is Google Panda Update 3.4 Hurting Your Rankings?

March 29th, 2012 | Posted in: Internet Marketing News, Search Engine Optimization

The latest Google Panda Update has been carried out via Twitter on March 23rd 2012. If you have suddenly witnessed a drop in your website ranking on the giant search engine then you can safely conclude that it is because of the new Google Panda Update 3.4. On every occasion when Google Updates their algorithm […]


Google Tags Officially Retired From Google Places

April 17th, 2011 | Posted in: Google Places, Internet Marketing News, Local Business Marketing, Local SEO

It wasn’t long ago that Google decided to test “Google Tags” for local results. This was a very inexpensive way for business owners to gain additional exposure on maps and local search. Businesses could pay a flat monthly fee and in return get a yellow tag next to their organic places listings that showcased offers, […]